Sunday, 28 February 2010


I've subscribed to a few podcasts, but haven't had chance to actually listen to any of them yet. From the BBC, I went for Front Row highlights, as a programme I always mean to listen to, but never do, and In Our Time. This is a favourite of mine, especially as this week's programme is on an Early Modern topic. This felt somewhat artificial, though, as I already subscribe to the email which lets me know when a new programme is released anyway. I couldn't immediately find anything of interest on or Podcast Alley, but might have a closer look another time.

Still, the University lecture podcasts were good for a giggle. Before I actually went there, I thought 'I bet all the English lit ones are by Stuart Lee', and I was pretty much correct! In fact, I remember him telling us he was recording them for podcasts way back when I was doing my Old English Mods paper in 04-05, and although they've been re-recorded htis year, I'm sure they're basically the same so if I have the urge to revisit the Battle of Maldon or Dream of the Rood, I'll have the bizarre experience of listening to myself listening to a lecture...

One of the only two non-Old English items is a series by my own Masters supervisor on early modern drama - she was one of the best lecturers I heard, and they're on early modern drama, so I'll try to listen to them soon. Still, these are complete series, and aren't going to be updated, so it seems a bit pointless to actually subscribe to them - I know they're there now, and that's enough!

I can see that the Bod has done some Bodcasts, but I'm not sure that the Cod will be producing any in the near future!

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